Monday, February 25, 2008

Class Activity 10

Date: February 25, 2008
To: classmates
From: Lindsey Burns
Subject: American Business letter vs a Japan Business Letter

The purpose of this memo is to inform my classmates, about American Business letters vs writing a business letter from Japan.

This memo is to educate my classmates about (1) writing effective American and Japan Business letters and (2) to show the difference in writing each of these letters.

There is a difference in the salutation (the “Dear…” part of the letter) which reflects a cultural difference. The American letter has Dear Mr. Henryson vs the Japan letter has Dear Sir. The American letter states the name of the person the letter is being addressed to where as in the Japan letter is more respectful and distant just putting dear Sir.

The first paragraph does have a function beyond delaying the discussion of the business. It lets those in Japan know that the American letter shows that they care about their family since family is such a big part of ones daily life. Family can also help in the building process of ones education and career.

The function of telling Mr. Kirisawa about his own company is to allow the reader get to know a little bit about him so the reader will have an idea of what the person and their company is like since they can’t just go out and meet for a cup of coffee or lunch.
This paragraph helps the writer introduce her own company’s product directly.

To a reader from the United States, the third paragraph would probably seem thin. The aspect of Japanese culture makes it effective in the context of this letter. The aspect is group loyalty and an ideology. They don’t need to elaborate.

The writer doesn’t make a more explicit sales pitch at the end of the letter because they don’t want to seem pushy and forceful.

In conclusion the format and writing style in writing an American business letter vs the format and writing style of writing a business letter from Japan entail very different writing styles and formats. The American Business letter is more formal than the Japan business letter.

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